
10 - Double Digits!

Dear Sam,

I probably say this every year, but I can't believe that you're 10 years old already.  I continue to be amazed as I watch you grow and turn into a real person, you're still a child but so big.  The last year has been a big one.  Going from 3rd to 4th grade and from 9 to 10 is a pretty big deal, it turns out.

It was clear from the beginning of the year that 4th grade was a big leap.  It's strange to be a grown up and watch you go through elementary school with the background of having gone to middle and high school.  I guess that as each year goes by school will seem even more... schoolish.  You had some trouble adjusting at the beginning of the year, but as it comes to a close I feel like you are more successful this year than you have been in any previous years.  Next year will be your last year at elementary school (WHAT?), and you'll have three different teachers.

In 4th grade, you made some real friends who enjoyed your company and whose company you enjoyed.  You still have trouble regulating your reactions sometimes, but when I look back on the difference between a year ago and now, you've grown so much.  You've had some medical issues too that have been immensely, vastly improved in the last 6 months.  You are still a kid, and you still ask for a lot of help, but you are also more responsible for yourself than you ever have been.  Sometimes it's hard to see progress when I'm in the thick of things, when I'm with you every single day.  But looking at the big picture, you've come so, so far.

You and Danny still fight like dogs half the time, but in the last month you've also started playing with each other more and more for extended periods of time.  It's nice for me to be able to slip away and read or cook for a little while while you guys hang out.  It usually ends in some sort of fighting eventually, but I'm pretty sure that's just how brotherhood goes.

I'm not working this summer, and I'm looking forward to adventuring.  It can be hard to get you out of the house because you like being on the computer and your tablet, but once we get places, you have a good time.  The thing I'm most excited about this summer is being able to go swimming!  In the past, we haven't been able to do much swimming because of different issues, and this year is the first time we really can.  I think we'll spend a lot of time at the pool, and maybe you and Danny will even get swimming lessons.

Things in the last few months have been a bit crazy, mainly because of moving back in with Grandma again.  But you have done well, adapting and adjusting to being in a new home once again.  Things have been hard for me, and this month we're spending the first two weeks alone - Scott's not around and Grandma and Grandpa are on a trip.  I have been concentrating on myself a lot - trying to wrap my mind around this aimless feeling I have.  But we still snuggle up at night before bed and watch The Simpsons.  My love for you is, and always will be, bigger than anything else.

The things that I admire most about you at age 10 are your kindness and ability to play and interact with people of all ages.  You are good with younger kids like your cousins and my friends children, and are also able to have conversations with grown ups comfortably.

I'm excited to see where the rest of 2016 takes us.  I think it will be pretty good.


Firsts This Year!

First Cavities: Womp womp wooooomp.
First Home Alone Time: Sam stayed home by himself for the first time this year!
First Time in a Kayak: Sam recently went kayaking during after school care and paddled around all by himself!


Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Captain Underpants
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Song:  Let Her Go by Passenger
Favorite Board Game: Sorry
Favorite Video Game: Terraria, Splatoon, Agar.io, Diep.io
Favorite TV Show: Not too into TV at the moment
Favorite YouTubers: DanTDM, Crainer, Pat & Jen, Smosh, JackSepticEye
Favorite Food: Grilled Cheese, Chocolate Chip Waffles
Favorite Dessert: Oreos
Favorite Thing to Do Outside the House: Trampoline Zone
Favorite Subject at School: Math
Best Friend: Ashaan, Aiden, Cayson, Zachary

Birth Story